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Knowledge in
Action for Urban Equality Partners

creating KNOW Networks
KNOW’s commitment to the operational principle of partnerships with equivalence drives the co-production of knowledge and capacity building across all the work streams in the programme, and in so doing, is building relationships within and across government departments, civil society groups and universities at city, regional and global levels. KNOW is predicated on the proposition that it is these kinds of relationships that will generate networks of co-production and learning, and in the process, contribute to the development of pathways to urban equality.
As these KNOW Networks are expanded over the 4 years of the programme, the intention is to consolidate one of the key outputs of KNOW: Urban Learning Hubs are responsive transdisciplinary local, regional and international networks that address knowledge in action for urban equality. Urban Learning Hubs are a means to deliver research and impact for urban equality beyond the lifetime of the KNOW project.
Urban Learning Hubs are networks that are developed and driven by and/or with city actors, and that have a local, regional or global membership and scope of action, as agreed necessary by the members of the network. Included in the membership of Urban Learning Hubs are KNOW team members and their partners, KNOW Associates and any other interested organisations or individuals working at local, regional or global scales with a shared interest in shaping pathways to urban equality.
The purposes of Urban Learning Hubs are:
to co-produce knowledge and capacity building related to the multiple dimensions of urban equality, including the development themes of increasing prosperity, reducing extreme poverty and strengthening resilience;
to debate and share knowledge and extend two-way capacity building with groups and networks of policy makers and planners, communities and business locally, regionally and globally about latest research and practices that strengthen pathways to urban equality;
to act as strategic intermediaries between multiple actors delivering research, collaborative decision-making and action for urban equality.
to analyse and where necessary, to generate relevant knowledge and capacities to contribute to the monitoring and comparison of city progress towards national and global goals on urban equality, in particular the SDGs and the Habitat III NUA.
to generate a co-learning environment which creates and nurtures ‘communities of practice’ that engage actively with, and advocate for, urban equality.
about KNOW Associates
KNOW Associates are organisations and individual academics, applied researchers and practitioners from around the world with a commitment to co-producing knowledge and capacity building for urban equality.
The KNOW programme would like to reach out to these organisations and individuals working in the state, civil society and the private sector, to participate in the development and active life of local, regional and global Urban Learning Hubs.
Together with the KNOW programme and its City Partners, KNOW Associates will contribute towards the development of responsive networks or Urban Learning Hubs that address the challenges of urban equality.

become a know associate
The role of Associates in KNOW
As a KNOW Associate we would like to engage with you in joint voluntary and mutually beneficial activities, which may include:
keeping in touch with KNOW activities through our website, KNOW Newsletter and KNOW publications;
participation in KNOW events, online or in person in KNOW cities in Latin America, Africa and South East Asia;
joint planning of and/or mutual exchange of learning in KNOW and other workshops and conferences;
the joint development of policy and planning briefs that contribute to pathways to urban equality;
the joint publication of research, case studies and reflections on practice in the KNOW Working Paper Series;
joint development of research proposals in areas of common interest that contribute to the understanding and practices related to shaping pathways to urban equality.
KNOW Associates are organisations or individuals who meet one or more of the following criteria:
are engaged with research and capacity building related to promoting urban equality, including the development themes of increasing prosperity, reducing extreme poverty and strengthening resilience; and/or
practitioners working to promote different dimensions of urban equality through policy, planning and programmes across the state, civil society and the private sector; and/or
advocates promoting urban equality, including the development themes of increasing prosperity, reducing extreme poverty and strengthening resilience;
To become a KNOW Associate
Please download and fill in the below application form. Send your completed and attached application to:
You can apply online at the link below
further enquiry
Current know associates
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