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Jane Rendell
Lead Co-Investigator WP3
Ethics of Research Practice | The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
I am a Professor of Architecture and Art at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, where I am the director of History and Theory. For KNOW I am working with Research Associate Dr Yael Padan, who is leading the Ethics Work Package (WP3).
My writing practice, research, and teaching are closely related: I initiated and teach on the new MA Situated Practice, as well as the MA Architectural History. I also supervise practice-led PhDs in urbanism, art, architecture, and spatial writing. Working with Bartlett Ethics Fellow, Dr David Roberts, I lead the Bartlett’s Ethics Commission.
I work across architecture, art, feminism, history, and psychoanalysis. I have introduced concepts of ‘critical spatial practice’ and ‘site-writing’ through authored books like The Architecture of Psychoanalysis (2017), Silver (2016), Site-Writing (2010), Art and Architecture (2006), and The Pursuit of Pleasure (2002); and co-edited collections Critical Architecture (2007), Spatial Imagination (2005), The Unknown City (2001), Intersections (2000), Gender, Space, Architecture (1999), and Strangely Familiar (1995). Some of my new publications include, ‘Giving an Account of Oneself, Architecturally’, Journal of Visual Culture and with ethnographer Michal Murawski, I co-edited, Reactivating the Social Condenser, a special issue of The Journal of Architecture (2017).
You can see more of my work at: