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Work Package 4
translating research into practice
The objective of WP4 is to support and research the processes of translating learning generated by KNOW activities into policy and planning practices at different scales, strengthening pathways to urban equality. Therefore, the key focus of WP4 is on investigating the challenges of knowledge translation processes with KNOW city partners, exploring and supporting the various ways in which they take place and strengthening the impact of the project.
Work Package 4 seeks to build local capacities to better leverage processes of knowledge co-production, investigate and foster the institutional capabilities required to support policies and planning practices for urban equality.
Opportunities in society can only be transformed if unequal relations and geographies of power in knowledge production are challenged. Then, Working Package 4 understands knowledge translation as the multi-scalar and non-linear processes of encounter between research and practice that are shaped by various local, national and global dynamics. The main questions that Working Package 4 seeks to address are: how do knowledge translation processes take place; and how might interfaces of knowledge translation facilitate encounters between various co-production processes in the city? Our underlying goal is to find ways in which knowledge co-production processes can support and foster the capabilities and conditions that enable policies and planning for urban equality.
Download our position paper: “Translating
knowledge for urban equality: alternative
geographies for encounters between
planning research and practice”
WP4 collaborations
The work of Work Package 4 includes three different roles: first, to co-produce a series of impact targets and indicators regarding the KNOW project, drawing directly from the objectives of the research plans; second, to support activities to strength the impact of the project, setting up an impact strategy with specific activities for carrying on the purpose of the project; and third, to research the processes of knowledge translation that are taking place as part of the programme, through the design and implementation of a monitoring and learning process.
We are working with three KNOW partners, in interfaces of knowledge translation at different scales:
SLURC in Freetown,
working on Learning Platforms at the city and community level, to investigate wider transformations about participatory informal settlement upgrading. -
CUJAE in Havana,
working on the university as a broker between neighbourhoods and the state at different levels. -
ACHR in Southeast Asia,
working with the regional network, exploring mechanism used by this translocal network to facilitate and strengthen the impact of community-led processes. -
And at the international level,
exploring the impact of international actors, agendas and dynamics (e.g. the UN New Urban Agenda and SDGs implementation) on local processes.


Urban Planning, 7 (3)
Our team is based both at
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit at UCL
and at the Connected Cities Lab at The University of Melbourne.
Apsan Frediani
Lead Co-Investigator WP4
Principal Researcher at the Human Settlements Group of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Co-Investigator WP4
Connected Cities Lab,
The University of Melbourne
Research Fellow WP4
Bartlett DPU, UCL
Research Fellow WP4
Connected Cities Lab,
The University of Melbourne